As a result of several investigations carried out by the Regional Group on Financing and Infrastructure (GREFI), the need to have a better understanding of the regulatory frameworks of the main International Financial Institutions (IFIs) present in Latin America has been detected, from a financial perspective. human rights.

This publication presents an analysis of the Urban Solid Waste Management project implemented for the town of Villa Carlos Paz.

The comments presented here aim to highlight positive aspects and improve, with respect to the guidelines for the Consultation Phase.

This document is about the legal and socio-environmental foundations that make it necessary to pass a law on minimum budgets for environmental protection in the field of agrochemicals.

This document proposes a brief tour of the Five-Year Plan Agreement between the Argentine Republic and the People’s Republic of China signed by President Mauricio Macri in 2017. This plan aims to strengthen relations between both nations and design a cooperation strategy in the field of infraestrucutra.

This document compiles basic information in relation to 8 emblematic projects with Chinese funding in Argentina managed during the presidencies of Cristina Fernández and Mauricio Macri; and that reflect the growing relevance of Chinese investments in Argentina.

This working document presents a brief analysis of the current relations between the People’s Republic of China and Argentina in a national and international context; and taking into account aspects such as the relationship between the Asian giant and the Kirchner government, the change of government that took place in Argentina at the end of 2015, the Argentine economic reality and the election of the Republican Donald Trump as president of the United States.

This document presents an analysis of the evolution of the most important infrastructure project in the province of Córdoba and the relationship with the Brazilian construction company Odebrecht, with a focus on the transparency of the project.

This document presents the most relevant aspects related to the recent regulatory reception of the Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) regime in the Argentine Republic, as well as the risks and opportunities that PPPs may bring. The general purpose of the work is to highlight some general characteristics of the Public-Private Partnerships, and then to analyze some outstanding aspects of Law 27,328, which normatively receives said regime in the Argentine Republic.

Exponemos ante el Comité datos alternativos a los brindados por el estado argentino a finales de 2016 en producción y calidad de los datos sobre DESC; acceso a la justicia en DESC; derecho a la educación; derecho a la educación inclusiva; derecho a la salud; derecho a la igualdad de género; derechos de defensores y defensoras ambientales.

Esta publicación revisa cuál ha sido la actividad comercial y en materia de inversiones de un país con una actividad económica importante a nivel global y en ascenso como lo es China, hacia la región de América Latina y el Caribe (ALC), mirando más a detalle los casos de Argentina, Colombia, México y Perú. El objetivo particular es brindar un análisis detallado, de las inversiones chinas a nivel nacional en cada uno de los países antes señalados. Para ello, se ahonda en los antecedentes, la situación actual y las tendencias a futuro de las relaciones bilaterales entre cada uno de los países y China en materia de IED. A su vez, se analizan los marcos normativos nacionales, los principales sectores de inversión y se brindan datos de la experiencia de cada una de las organizaciones que participaron en la elaboración del documento en el proceso de investigación, búsqueda de información y monitoreo del financiamiento chino en estos países.