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With agreement on the opinion, the discussion begins in the Chamber of Deputies

After the plenary meeting of the General Legislation, Criminal Legislation, Social Action and Public Health, and Women and Diversity commissions, an agreement was finally reached on the bill for the Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy that will…
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Protection for delay in access to environmental information

On December 1, we filed an amparo action for delay of the Secretary of Environment of the Province of Córdoba in providing environmental public information. Through this action we ask the courts to require the Province to fulfill…

Debates around the Feminist Economy from the sustainability of life

Together with the Córdoba Feminist Economy Space and with the support of the Heinrich Boll Foundation, we carried out a cycle of 5 virtual meetings to make visible and debate the existence of other economies that put human and non-human…

Legislative treatment of the law on Voluntary Termination of Pregnancy begins

The discussion will begin in the Chamber of Deputies, with informational meetings of the committees throughout the week. After the long weekend the voting would come in the enclosure. It will be discussed on the basis of the bill…

Why does Argentina still not have a National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights?

In the sixth session of the United Nations Intergovernmental Working Group on Business and Human Rights, negotiations were held on the second legally binding treaty to regulate the activity of transnational companies. There is still time for…

We met with INADI for the complaints made against the Fasta school network

On November 24, we met with members of the Córdoba delegation of the National Institute against Discrimination, Xenophobia and Racism to discuss the acts of discrimination perpetuated in the schools of the Fasta educational network. “Below,…

MOCI - monitoreo ciudadano en proyectos de infraestructura

{el entramado} Contamos historias. Acercamos Realidades.


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