Tag Archive for: National Plan Violence against Women

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”


In September of this year, after a year of the call to call, organizations that would be part of the CCAH of civil society were announced, whose main function is to advise and recommend courses of action to address the problem of gender violence. . This Council, created by virtue of article 9 of the integral protection law 26.485, is composed of two organizations per province and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, with a total of 48.

On October 27, the first meeting of the aforementioned Council took place, in which besides presenting the organizations, the National Plan of Action for the Prevention, Assistance and Eradication of Violence against Women was informed (2017-2019) and about INAM’s plans in terms of design and implementation of policies. Likewise, the functions and regulations that should be dictated by the CCAH were discussed. Among the functions of the organizations, are to participate in the annual meetings and monitor the application of law 26,485 in their respective provinces, to then submit reports that serve as an input to the INAM to promote the application of the law at the federal level.

One of the main points of the agenda was the change suffered by this body, which went from being the National Council for Women, to being the INAM. The authorities that stated, mentioned that the decision regarding this modification addresses the need to give greater hierarchy to public policies of prevention, assistance and eradication of violence against women by having the rank of Secretary within the Ministry of Social Development, the time that the organism is granted greater autonomy.

On the other hand, it was pointed out that in future it is planned to establish provincial delegations, to territorialize INAM policies and facilitate access to procedures in the different Argentine provinces. However, no references were made to how public policies in this matter are going to be mainstreamed towards the other areas of the State, beyond the scope of the Ministry of Social Development.

We welcome the initiative of INAM to comply with the provisions of the law and to consolidate an institutionalized space for civil society to participate in a federal manner in matters of gender violence. The construction and monitoring of public policies for a problem as widespread as gender inequality requires the participation of civil society in all of Argentina, so we hope that we will continue advancing towards the promotion of women’s rights, also assuring budget and the necessary infrastructure so that they work in all the national territory.

We can not fail to mention that the participation of organizations should be reinforced, in addition to the existence of the CCAH. It is necessary to implement mechanisms so that other women’s rights organizations in all provinces can access the participation, which do not meet the formal requirements to belong to the CCAH, but due to their experience and trajectory, they must be considered purposes of the design and implementation of public gender policies in our country.

More information

– Resolution creating the INAM and the CCAH

– Annex of member organizations of the CCAH


Carolina Tamagnini – carotamagnini@fundeps.org

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”


At the beginning of this year, the cut for the budget aimed at eradicating gender violence in our country was evident, which was later clarified by the authorities of the National Women’s Council (current National Institute of Women) , recomposing such “error”. This movement aroused an alert to the organizations for the serious lack of transparency and clarity on the management of the public funds that would go to the Council.

In this context, it is worth noting that our country has signed and ratified a series of international agreements and treaties relating to human rights for gender equality (the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the Inter-American Convention on the Prevention of All Forms of Discrimination against Women , Sanctions and Eradication of Violence against Women), which oblige the State to develop public policies with the maximum resources required, mainly technical and economic, to guarantee the exercise of rights by women on equal terms with men.

Ignoring these commitments, in September of this year the budget for 2018 was presented, from which a number of civil society organizations (ELA, ACIJ, CAREF, FEIM, MEI and the Siglo 21 Foundation) once again alerted a reduction in the budget allocated to INAM, the main body of application of Law No. 26,485 on Comprehensive Protection for Women, and the lack of clarity and disaggregation of the budget directed at other programs to eradicate violence against women. The difference is 17% less than the current year, taking into account only the official inflation forecasts for the coming year.

The budget gap is more significant if one takes into account that the creation of INAM was established in order to give greater economic autonomy and institutional hierarchy to the body that regulates gender equality policies.

The budget forecast for next year is alarming, especially if we consider that in our country women receive a lower wage of up to 27% less than their male counterparts for the same work performed and are the most likely to work in precarious conditions, the figures of femicides amount to one every 18 hours, that the symbolic and media violence is reproduced through the media by the crisis of the institutions created for its monitoring and eradication.

We note that the budget cut and the absence of a clear picture of the resources that will be allocated to public policies aimed at promoting gender equality in various areas, jeopardize all the positive measures and actions that are being developed in this area. sense and backtrack with the national and international commitments made.

We add that the lack of disaggregation and budget specification towards gender policies shows serious difficulties in addressing the need to incorporate the gender perspective in matters related to the resources allocated, and also prevent their monitoring and monitoring in order to guarantee their fulfillment. In this sense, the State’s action is questionable, since, if it has committed itself to fight against gender-based violence, the measures and the budget approach for this purpose should not reproduce inequalities and violence against women.

The invisibilization and lack of clarity on the budget lines destined to most of the most important programs to guarantee the equality of opportunities and to combat the macho violence (except for some exceptions like the Program of Integral Sexual Education and the Victims against the Violence among others) , create a gray space that would allow the state to shape and alter public funds in favor of interests and contingent needs that could affect the survival and effectiveness of public policies to ensure gender equality.

That is why, once again, we adhere to the demand of civil society organizations against the budget reduction and in favor of transparency and specification regarding State funds allocated to public policies aimed at eradicating the violence that relapses in an insistent and relentless about so many women.


Cecilia Bustos Moreschi – cecilia.bustos.moreschi@fundeps.org

From FUNDEPS we express our concern for the lack of transparency and clarity in the management of the budget for the National Council of Women announced in the last Official Gazette.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”


On January 11 of this year, the budget modification for the National Women’s Council (CNM) and the National Plan of Action against Gender Violence (PNA) was reflected in the Official Gazette, signed by the Chief of Staff , Marcos Peña. Until December 2016, there was a budget approved by the National Congress, which included a CNM and NAP item for 47 million pesos, which was added an increase of 20 million pesos to the original budget planned for the CNM. The Budget Law 2017 was then promulgated with that increase from 96 to 116 million by 2017. In the current Administrative Decision 12/2017 of the Chief of Cabinet, only the amount of 96 million was designated for the CNM which implies a reduction of 67 Million pesos of the assigned budget.

From this confusing situation, an amparo action was filed by the Civil Association for Equality and Justice (ACIJ), the Latin American Justice and Gender Team (ELA), the Foundation for the Study and Research of Women (FEIM), The Argentine Commission for Migrants and Refugees (Caref), the Women in Equality Foundation (MEI) and the 21st Century Foundation. The organizations made a presentation to the Court to declare unconstitutional the reduction of funds allocated to the National Council of Women And the National Plan of Action against Gender Violence, demanding the State for the violation of the division of powers and the discretionary use of “superpowers”.

The authorities of the National Women’s Council tried to deny this information through an official press release and various statements in the media, claiming that it was an “error” and that the budget item, although not properly published in The Official Gazette, was guaranteed by the Ministry of Finance.

We emphasize the importance of carrying out the budgetary allocation according to established procedures, in order not to weaken institutional quality and respect democratic processes. On the other hand, if the elimination of these funds in the Administrative Decision was the product of an error, in order to be valid, the same must be corrected and published in the Official Gazette, according to the formal process. As of today, more than a month has elapsed since the publication of the Administrative Decision, it has not yet become official. This demonstrates the seriousness of the situation and the unclear and transparent management of the budget by the Office of the Chief of Staff.

As the budget line announced in the NAP is one of the points where progress was made in protecting women, we express our concern about this evidence of institutional fragility, lack of clarity and transparency that weakens the achievements against violence of genre. This situation violates the rights of women and girls in a country where every 18 hours a woman dies a victim of violence.

We also add our call for greater transparency in the mechanisms for monitoring public funds for budget execution and for greater clarity in the decisions taken by state agencies that affect the lives of millions of women.

More information


Emiilia Pioletti – emiliapioletti@fundeps.org