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We seek to work with all the groups that intervene in the development process: with different government levels, other civil society organizations, the private sector, the academic sector, communities, and the public. The objective is to promote a sustainable, equitable and participatory development guided by human rights.

We structure our work in 5 areas that constantly interact and develop the following activities: research, training and capacity building, political advocacy, strategic litigation, networking, and awareness campaigns.

Latest News in Working Areas ›

Available?: Complaint to Arriba Córdoba on Channel 12 for media violence

On September 19 during the transmission of Arriba Córdoba, the morning news channel of Canal 12 in Córdoba, its driver, Jorge Cuadrado, showed on screen a picture of the actress and singer Jimena Barón, entitled "Jimena Barón, again available."…

With Integral Sex Education you don’t get involved

Last Thursday, Córdoba awoke with posters of the campaign #ConMisHijosNoTeMetas on public roads and urban collectives. The slogan was born a few weeks ago, when the reform of the Law of Comprehensive Sexual Education was discussed in the plenary…
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Escazú Agreement: An opportunity to guarantee the application of Principle 10 in LAC

"Regional Agreement on Access to Information, Public Participation and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters in Latin America and the Caribbean" was approved in Escazú, Costa Rica, on March 4, 2018, officially opens to the signature…
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Discussion on “Transparency and Accountability”

On Wednesday, October 3, the "Transparency and Accountability" Conversation will be held at The Tech Pub located at Velez Sarfield 576 - 5th floor, City of Córdoba. “Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish.…
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We urge the accession of Argentina to the Escazú Agreement

Through a letter addressed to the former Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development and another to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship, we request the signature and adhesion of the Argentine government to the Escazú Agreement.…
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Reporting to the DESC Committee

In collaboration with other civil society organizations, we made several reports to the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (DESC) for its session No. 64. Through them we intend to bring critical observations and recommendations…

MOCI - monitoreo ciudadano en proyectos de infraestructura

{el entramado} Contamos historias. Acercamos Realidades.


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