
We present amicus curiae in defense of reproductive freedom in Córdoba

This Monday we present ourselves as “Friends of the court” in the case before the Court No. 7 of the province of Córdoba, by Dr. Susana Ottogalli de Aicardi, following the complaint of women victims and professionals in the area of primary health against the service of the Provincial Maternal and Neonatal Hospital Dr. Ramón Carrillo.

“Below, we offer a google translate version of the original article in Spanish. This translation may not be accurate but serves as a general presentation of the article. For more accurate information, please switch to the Spanish version of the website. In addition, feel free to directly contact in English the person mentioned at the bottom of this article with regards to this topic”.

The Córdoba Public Interest Law Clinic (CLIP), with the support of the Catholic Civil Association for the Right to Decide and the Latin American Justice and Gender Team (ELA), denounced in early October the breach of Provincial Law No. 9344 of Surgical Contraception at the Maternal and Neonatal Hospital of Córdoba, for the systematic violation of the reproductive freedom of women users of the health system.

The presentation details the historical and systematic obstruction of access to tubal ligation, through institutional violence and different attacks on the dignity of women seeking access to the surgical contraception service.

In our brief, we bring to the Court relevant factual and legal grounds for the defense of the right to health and a life free of violence. Specifically, we prepare a brief updated summary of the recommendations, observations and pronouncements of international organizations that oversee the application of human rights treaties, which have constitutional hierarchy in our country.

The denial or obstruction of access to sexual and reproductive rights that involve life free of violence, non-discrimination of any kind, family planning, as well as access to health services and the information necessary to fully exercise them , constitute acts of violence, especially if they are exercised on women.

It is the duty of the State to guarantee women the full enjoyment of their rights and to prevent and punish those who do not facilitate or guarantee access to essential services to women, in conditions of security and accessibility.

It is essential that Justice be issued in favor of the effective realization of human rights, especially of the groups most historically violated and on issues of essential importance such as the right to health. The denial or obstruction of access to these rights constitutes a serious act of violence against women, which must cease immediately, by virtue of the international commitments assumed by our country, and in respect to human rights and our current legal system.


Mayca Balaguer, maycabalaguer@fundeps.org